Wednesday, March 18, 2009

The Generation Gap

I have been researching certain statistics about preteens and teenagers with regards to both media and parenting. I cannot say that I am shocked by some of the rising tides, but it did confirm in me a growing concern for how the young generation is being approached.

The generation of baby boomers saw a trend in their iwn youth that resisted and rebelled against authority. We saw this with regards to Vietnam, the government, and the teachings of their parents. As a result of that, their fear of rejection and rebellion from their own children has caused much looser discipline and the mentality that they out to be "friends" with their children. They believe, however subconsciously, that they will have greater influence on their children if they can be friends than if they are parents. This idea is contrary to what all statistics show. When considering the political socialization of all people, the overwhelming influence is the beliefs of their parents. Republicans tend to "breed" republicans and democrats tend to "breed" democrats. Ironically, Because parents value their faith and they want to pass it onto their children, they treat it with the most sensitivity and don't share their faith with their children.

The young generation is drawn to radicalism and individualism. They are indoctrinated by former generations that they are a "problem youth"; that they are going to raise their children in a world that has a lower standard of life than the one in which they are being raised. Youth need and want to hear radical ideas, and good news! When you consider the virtual thrills and the extremity of music and extreme sports that they are attracted to, you will see a pattern of greater stimulation of thrill... They are seeking. They are lonely. This virtual reality of internet and text messaging has left them with no true human connection. But this generation knows nothing else. They are becoming increasingly enamored with a virtual reality that only leaves them feeling lonelier and less connected. In all their efforts to network through the internet, they are only pushing themselves further down a path of loneliness. Here is the reality... Jesus Christ is not only radically good news, but he offers real connection. He offers a real relationship. He offers transparency and he offers a relationshipn deeper than any that this world can offer.

My brother in law, Steve, is a youth director in the Episcopal church. He often talks about how radical Jesus was to the Jewish nation and how radical He is to our culture. We form ideas that following a life in Christ is for the weak hearted, and those who look for safety. We are told by secular society that Christians don't know the hard realities of life. The true reality is just the opposite. Christ knows the darkness. He took on our flesh to reconcile us to the light! A christian life is not safe. It is not boring. It is not mundane. It is radically life-changing. It is a life lead through faith; through trust! A life where we do walk through the valley of the shadow of death but have the light of God to confort and sustain us.

Many parents approach the church as the only means to save their children. They drop them off at youth group and expect that alone to transform them. These kids are only in church for maybe four hours a week. Most of their lives are spent attending school or in their homes. May the parents of the youth learn to speak bodly in the name of Christ. May parents show their youth what it truly means to be a follower of Christ. May they teach by example and by word, so that when these teenagers go to school they can be a witness to those who are without Christ. May parents assist the church and youth leaders in sharing with their children the radical gospel of Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior! How awesome that there is a God who finds so much favor in us, that in order for us to be reconciled to him, He offered himself as a sacrifice for that which we cannot offer ourselves.

Monday, March 16, 2009

Breathe on me.

I have really been thinking lately about the difference between intellectually understanding God, and truly knowing Him and having him move in us. The difference between studying him and having the Spirit of God present in even our breath. The word 'pneuma' meaning both breath and spirit, creates the image of God breathing life into us. In Genesis 2 ,we read that God formed man from the dust and breathed into his nostrils the breath of life. And so we, in accepting Christ's sacrifice on the cross invite Him to so deeply dwell in us that even our breath declares that He is Lord. And while we are still subject to flesh, we can daily deny our sin, because of the Grace we have received through Jesus. Our every breath cries out to our Lord and Maker. I don't always like Rob Bell and all that he represents, but I do enjoy his Nooma videos. He has one called "Breathe" that talks about this very subject. I think he misses, to a certain degree, the aspect of our sinful nature, but he discusses this concept that the spirit of God is so akin to the breath of God that He is present in every breath that we take.

Thursday, March 12, 2009

He sacrificed his blood

I attended the eucharist for the diocesan convention this evening and had a not so original, but beautiful reminder of the power of Christ's love for us. He gave his blood for me, and all i can give him in return is a broken heart. How, knowing that he sacrificed his divine flesh, could I not long to give him all of me, though I am broken and reeking of sin. And yet, even as I give him all that I can, he gives more. He takes my scarlet heart and washes it in his blood once again. I can give him nothing that he needs, and yet his love for me is so great, so unconditional, so unselfish, so powerful, so divine, that wrapped himself in our skin and walked our earth that He might draw me into His arms and call me His child. And when I fall into sin and become subject to evil and death, his grace is sufficient for me. So what can I give my King?

I was reminded of the woman in the bible, who being so overcome by his majesty and having nothing else to give, washed Jesus' feet with her tears. What a beautiful image. How I long to wash his feet with my tears of sorrow and gratitude. May i daily give him all of me. May i daily surrender every thing that I hold dear for the sake of my Lord and Savior. What grace He has given me! He lowered his crown and died the bleak, dark death of the cross so that I might be lifted up into his radiant, light-giving glory. And so I shall glorify him. Thank God for his abundant mercy and love. I came to your eucharistic table oh Lord, offering nothing but a broken heart, and you freely offer me your love- a gift beyond any in this world. All honor and praise be to Him!